Eden World Builder Wiki

There is no "health" in Eden (althought there will be in 2.0), although you can get "hurt" by various things. When you get hurt, the screen of your device turns red for a brief moment. You can get hurt by touchinglava, an angry creature attacking you, or being close to TNT when it explodes. Pre 2.0, this only serves an asthetic purpose. However, Ari has stated on Facebook that there is to be a healthbar (optional) in a Update 2.0. It will most likely be required in Adventure Mode.

When you get hurt, the avatar is knocked backwards a bit.


  • Currently, only lava, TNT, and angered creatures can "harm" the user. The user is invincible to everything else.
  • Post 2.0, Health will be added. Users speculate that you will take fall damage, damage from lava, angry Creatures, and new aggressive creatures (Charger and Stalker.). You may also be capable of drowning in water.
  • When you die in Adventure Mode post-2.0, your screen will go black and you will respawn at your home point or the spot where you first spawned in the world.
  • It is unknown how you will be able to tell your health.